This Christmas was filled with lots of presents, dogs and that family time I miss so dearly when the holiday season is over. For my family, Christmas is one of the only times we are all able to see each other and I never take this time for granted.
The stockings were hung, the foot of the tree was filled, and so were our bellies. The big surprise this Christmas is that I am going to be an UNCLE! The last gift I opened was from my sister, it was a baby bib that read: "My Uncle Loves Me." After I finished crying, yes crying, we all hugged and celebrated the future new addition to our family tradition. I am so excited for my sister Amy and her amazing husband, CJ.
Albeit the Garmin computer I recieved was a GREAT gift (thanks Santa), finding out there will be a little one at Christmas next year was even better!
I think it's a boy, and if so, Champion-Systems makes a WAY COOL Mini Jersey and my nephew (or neice) will certainly be rocking it in only a way a baby from my family can! :)

We'll probably have to get the baby sumadeez too!

To all of my teammates, I wish you safe riding when you're out burning off the fruitcakes, cookies, cake and the gallons of egg nog you consumed. To our sponsors, supporters and everyone involved with Team TOMS Shoes, I wish you and yours the best and happiest of holidays!
PS-If you've forgotten someone on your Christmas list, it's never too late to give the gift of sharing. TOMS Shoes donated over 37,000 shoes in Ethiopia this holiday season. Do your part and visit the TOMS website for great gift ideas:
Remember: Drop TOMS, Not Bombs! :)
Congrats on the new addition! My sister is due in January so, I may been one of this mini jerseys for him! I don't think the name could be any more Irish... Dublin Miles (O'Neill) McBraer